Profiling the venom gland transcriptomes of Costa Rican snakes by 454 pyrosequencing.

TitleProfiling the venom gland transcriptomes of Costa Rican snakes by 454 pyrosequencing.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsDurban, J, Juárez, P, Angulo, Y, Lomonte, B, Flores-Diaz, M, Alape-Girón, A, Sasa, M, Sanz, L, Gutiérrez, JM, Dopazo, J, Conesa, A, Calvete, JJ
JournalBMC genomics
Date Published2011

A long term research goal of venomics, of applied importance for improving current antivenom therapy, but also for drug discovery, is to understand the pharmacological potential of venoms. Individually or combined, proteomic and transcriptomic studies have demonstrated their feasibility to explore in depth the molecular diversity of venoms. In the absence of genome sequence, transcriptomes represent also valuable searchable databases for proteomic projects.