International Bioinformatics Software School 2019

Registration and Submission

The workshop is open to graduate students and specializing scientists. The researchers are encouraged to submit their unpublished contributions that illustrate original research results or surveying works related to the areas of bioinformatics and data analysis in agriculture and healthcare.

IBSS'19 will present the Award of the Best Poster and the Best Presentation at the end.





  • Abstract submision: February 5th, 2019.
  • Paper submission: February 8th, 2019.
  • Notification of Acceptance: February 15th, 2019.
  • Selected applicants will then be asked to confirm their participation and pay the registration fees.

Registration fees:

Non SMBI Members
SMBI Members
Student 800 DH 500 DH
Researchers 1000 DH 800 DH

Registration fees cover: conference facilities, conference proceedings, lunches, coffee breaks.

The bank account Information’s

Bank account of the Societe Marocaine de Bio-Informatique Bank: Banque populaire
Bank Address: Tanger-Tetouan 64, Agence Val Fleuri 04, Maroc

C. Banque C. ville Numéro de compte principale C. Rib
164 640 2121479807200007 29