Sequence Analysis, DNA

Using GPUs for the exact alignment of short-read genetic sequences by means of the Burrows-Wheeler transform.

Torres JSalavert, Espert IBlanquer, Domínguez ATomás, et al. Using GPUs for the exact alignment of short-read genetic sequences by means of the Burrows-Wheeler transform. IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinform. 2012;9(4):1245-56. doi:10.1109/TCBB.2012.49.

Diversification of the expanded teleost-specific toll-like receptor family in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua.

Sundaram AYM, Kiron V, Dopazo J, Fernandes JMO. Diversification of the expanded teleost-specific toll-like receptor family in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. BMC Evol Biol. 2012;12:256. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-12-256.

The role of the interactome in the maintenance of deleterious variability in human populations.

García-Alonso L, Jiménez-Almazán J, Carbonell-Caballero J, et al. The role of the interactome in the maintenance of deleterious variability in human populations. Mol Syst Biol. 2014;10:752. doi:10.15252/msb.20145222.

Sequencing and functional analysis of the genome of a nematode egg-parasitic fungus, Pochonia chlamydosporia.

Larriba E, Jaime MDLA, Carbonell-Caballero J, et al. Sequencing and functional analysis of the genome of a nematode egg-parasitic fungus, Pochonia chlamydosporia. Fungal Genet Biol. 2014;65:69-80. doi:10.1016/j.fgb.2014.02.002.

Fast inexact mapping using advanced tree exploration on backward search methods.

Salavert J, Tomás A, Tárraga J, Medina I, Dopazo J, Blanquer I. Fast inexact mapping using advanced tree exploration on backward search methods. BMC Bioinformatics. 2015;16:18. doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0438-3.