Camda 2012 2019-08-20T14:26:31+0200 Camda 2012 text/html 2012-07-01T23:26:28+0200 Anonymous ( agenda Agenda The scientific program includes Keynotes by leading researchers in the field and selected presentations of contest dataset analyses. The two-day meeting also features a poster session and opportunities for informal discussions during a social dinner. text/html 2012-02-14T13:55:45+0200 Anonymous ( agreement DATA DOWNLOAD AGREEMENT By downloading the data you agree to acknowledge NIBIO and NCTR for the toxicogenomics data set, GRF for the KPGP data set, and agree to submit your analysis results for consideration in the Camda proceedings. The proceedings will be published open access and are indexed by PubMed. Publication in the Camda proceedings of course does not preclude subsequent publication in scientific journals or at other conferences, as long as the above institutes and Camda are acknowledg… text/html 2012-01-19T15:23:51+0200 Anonymous ( call_for_papers Call for papers CAMDA, an interdisciplinary conference dedicated to the Critical Assessment of “Massive” Data Analysis is soliciting contributions for its tenth meeting on 13--14 July 2012 at the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center. Over the past decade, CAMDA has been a forum for academic researchers and industry practitioners to share their research and experience in the analysis of genome-wide data, such as gene transcript or protein expression profiles. Many novel algorithms have b… text/html 2012-01-19T15:27:39+0200 Anonymous ( call_for_posters Call for posters CAMDA, a community-wide experiment of microarray data analysis, calls for your participation in 2012 to be a part of our Poster Fair. We are inviting original posters related to any datasets. All submissions must follow these rules: text/html 2010-12-17T11:25:55+0200 Anonymous ( contact CAMDA Contact CAMDA 2011 is organized by David Kreil, Joaquín Dopazo, and Simon Lin. David P Kreil, Boku University, Vienna, Austria WWTF Chair of Bioinformatics contact Joaquín Dopazo, Centre d'Investigació Príncipe Felipe, Valencia, Spain CIPF Bioinformatics Department contact Simon Lin, Northwestern University, Chicago, U. S. A. text/html 2012-02-22T15:59:13+0200 Anonymous ( contest_dataset Contest datasets As traditional in CAMDA contests, neither we nor the producers of the data can provide advice on the datasets to individuals as dealing with the files forms part of the analysis challenge. There is, however, an for participants' free discussions relating to the contest data sets, and in which you are encouraged to participate. text/html 2012-01-19T14:57:26+0200 Anonymous ( important_dates Important dates Public release of Contest Data Set definition 20 Jan 2012Extended Abstract Proposals Due 20 May 2012Abstract deadline for Poster Submission 25 May 2012Notification of accepted contributions 30 May 2012 text/html 2010-11-11T12:05:14+0200 Anonymous ( lala adfa text/html 2012-01-26T11:39:25+0200 Anonymous ( organizers Organizers David P Kreil Boku University, Vienna, Austria Joaquín Dopazo CIPF, Valencia, Spain Simon Lin Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation, Marshfield, WI, U. S. A. Logistics Committee Dixie Schroeder Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation, Marshfield, WI, U.S.A. Pablo Escobar Centro de investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF), Valencia, Spain text/html 2012-01-02T12:03:55+0200 Anonymous ( previous_editions Links to earlier CAMDA conferences * Camda 2011, Satellite Meeting of ISMB/ECCB 2011 in Vienna, Austria * Camda 2009, Northwestern University, Chicago, U. S. A. * Camda 2008, Boku University Vienna, Austria. * Camda 2007, CIPF, Valencia, Spain. * Camda 2006, Duke University, North Carolina, U. S. A. text/html 2012-01-16T11:47:38+0200 Anonymous ( publications CAMDA publications The Methods of Microarray Data Analysis book series has been put out in print by Kluwer academic publishers. Provided below are the web-companions to each Methods of Microarray Data Analysis. The sites contain a compendium of links, abstracts, papers, slides, programs, and tools that supplements the papers found in the books. We have also included an appendix, which contains information on posters and presentations that we were unable to include in the book because of space … text/html 2012-03-14T21:58:12+0200 Anonymous ( registration Registration This year, registration is handled via ISMB. There is an early registration discount until 1 June 2012. Delegate rate Student early Academic early Commercial early Student late Academic late Commercial late CAMDA 2012 $200 $300 $400 text/html 2012-02-07T16:14:38+0200 Anonymous ( scientific_committee Scientific committee Tim Beißbarth Statistical Bioinformatics University Medical Center Göttingen Göttingen, Germany Daniel Berrar Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan Jong Bhak Genome Research Foundation South Korea Murray Brilliant text/html 2011-03-08T19:33:20+0200 Anonymous ( see_do See and do The city of Vienna is renowned for its beauty, culture, and high general quality of life, so do plan a longer stop if you can take some time out! There will be a social programme featuring highlights such as a trip to a local Heuriger country style restaurant/pub owned by the City of Vienna in the lush vineyards just outside town (   text/html 2012-02-12T23:41:58+0200 Anonymous ( sidebar MAIN MENU * CAMDA 2012 * What is CAMDA * Important dates * Registration * Agenda * Contest Datasets * Call for Papers * Call for Posters * Travel and accommodation * Sponsor opportunities * Scientific committee * Contact / Organizers * Publications * Earlier years text/html 2012-01-24T20:17:02+0200 Anonymous ( sponsors Conference sponsorships available for CAMDA 2012 Dear Sponsor, CAMDA, an interdisciplinary conference dedicated to the Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis is soliciting sponsorships for its annual event, which will take place on July13 & 14, 2012 in Long Beach, California, USA. text/html 2010-11-11T12:05:14+0200 Anonymous ( test table test Row 1 Col 1 Row 1 Col 2 Row 1 Col 3 Row 2 Col 1 Row 2 Col 2 Row 2 Col 3 Row 3 Col 1 some colspan (note the double pipe) text/html 2012-01-19T21:53:53+0200 Anonymous ( travel Travel & Accommodation The conference is held entirely on-site at the ISMB venue in the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center. The Star Alliance™ Members Airlines are pleased to be appointed as the Official Airline Network for ISMB 2012 and is offering delegates discounted air travel to attend the conference. Delegates can enjoy discounts of up to 20% on airfares, depending on the type of fare you choose. text/html 2010-11-11T12:05:14+0200 Anonymous ( user [[lalal|lalala]] text/html 2012-01-19T21:52:51+0200 Anonymous ( what_is_camda CAMDA - What is CAMDA? CAMDA was founded to provide a forum to critically assess different techniques used in microarray data analysis. It aims to establish the state-of-the-art in microarray data analysis, as well as identify progress and highlight promising directions for future efforts. In order to achieve these goals, CAMDA adopted the approach of community-wide experiment, letting the scientific community analyze the same contest data sets. Researchers worldwide are invited to take the CA… text/html 2010-11-11T12:05:14+0200 Anonymous ( whatiscamda CAMDA - What is CAMDA? CAMDA was founded to provide a forum to critically assess different techniques used in microarray data mining. It aims to establish the state-of-the-art in microarray data mining, as well as identify progress and highlight the direction for future effort. To achieve these goals, CAMDA adopted the approach of community-wide experiment, letting the scientific community analyze the same standard data sets. Researchers worldwide are invited to take the CAMDA challenge. Accep…